RTP-EP | Extended power with ramp rate better 100K/sec (power x 2) |
RTP-HT | Extended temperature up to 1200 °C |
RTP-MFC | Additional process gas line with Mass Flow Controller (max. 3 add)*
* = all in all max. 4 process gas lines |
FG-O2 | Forming gas – oxygen safety unit |
RTP-Ox | Various oxygen analyser with different tolerances against H traces |
RTP-MM | Moisture Analyzer to measure moisture residues in the chamber |
RTP-SW-VP / CH | Switchbox for chiller and/or vacuum pump |
TC I / TC II | add. Thermocouple to measure on device (plugged in chamber, max. 1) |
VAC I | Basic Vacuum up to 3 hPa, Vacuum sensor, vacuum valve excl. pump (not for -HV) |
VAC II | Comfort Vacuum up to 10-3 hPa, Pirani Sensor, vacuum valve, excl. pump (not for HV) |
VCR | Tubing made of VCR (welded) |
RTP-GP-200 | Graphite Plate or susceptor (optional SiC coated) |
RTP-PC-200 | add. 200 mm oven chamber = double chamber (for usage of 2 chambers) |
RTP-QF-200-200mm | Quartz frame for 200 mm wafer |
RTP-QF-200-150mm | Quartz frame for 150 mm wafer |
RTP-QF-200-100mm | Quartz frame for 100 mm wafer |